Jul 26, 2020
Jason is an Entrepreneur, Investor & Speaker and Co-Founder Tier One Trading.
When Jason started his first business at age 22, He has a real passion for entrepreneurship and solving problems. Since then, he has built and co-built multi-million pound businesses both online and offline.
After adopting some simple investment and speculations strategies in the financial markets, Jason was able to achieve financial independence by the age of 29 years old. Since then, he has been able to focus and contribute towards a more rewarding and fulfilling mission.
Jason believes that everyone deserves to live an inspired life. We are better humans when we have time to contribute towards what we are passionate about. We can think freely, support our family and help solve the worlds most meaningful problems.
Jason's goal is to help educate and liberate as many people as possible from the status quo 9-5 rat race so that they can take control of their finances and design their life the way they want it to be.